Whatever issues anyone may have about Albert Haynesworth not being a character guy need to be put to rest. I had the chance to meet the guy today after his press and he seemed to be a genuinely nice guy. In the press conference he discussed the issues of his past and I felt he did a great job of putting them to rest stating, "I'm starting a new chapter in my life after my incident and I'm looking forward to adding to it."
I know that we can talk all we want about the potential that this guy has but one thing is for sure, Haynesworth is enormous. Standing 6'6" and 320 lbs and when I shook his hand (no lie) his fingers and thumb touched with ease. Anyway, today was a fun experience for me (even though I posted a picture of Shaun Rogers earlier) and I hope you enjoy this little clip.
If anyone would rather read the press conference check out the Redskins Blog.
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