1. With Clinton Portis suffering from MPD back in '05 (Southeast Jerome, Sheriff Gonnagetcha, etc.) and #47 being known as Johnny Whiteguy and Captain Chaos, what nickname/personality would you adopt for yourself that you would like to stick with the fans? Southeast Jerome gets to arrest a lot of people. I would get to arrest Captain Chaos for causing a lot of problems around the Redskins Park.
2. With the game on the line, if you could throw to any receiver, past or present, high school, college or pro, who would that receiver be and why? I love all my Redskin receivers, but I would have to go to someone in the past. I haven't actually thrown to him, but I would love to take Jerry Rice. Currently I would have to go with the man in the middle. He tortures linebackers. On the inside he manhandles them one on one. Cool dog is a sledgehammer.
3. Jason, have you ever smelled the back of your left hand (the one that's securely lodged under the center's sweaty butt crack the entire game) after a game? I would imagine that hand would have to go through a thorough decontamination process after every game and practice. For everyone to know if you don’t take a bath your butt crack stinks and I think that's what Rabach does to me. Imagine sweating for 2 hours and you're Casey Rabach and you're really hairy and stinky. Rabach has even farted on my hand which is a feelin that never really wears off. I can actually feel it while we’re doing this interview right now. After each practice and game the first thing I do is wash my hands of all that chaotic stuff running off his sweaty, nasty body.
4. Would you ever wear the Cooley Short-Shorts? And if you did, who do you think would look better in them? I think I would look great in the 75' Ridells. They would defiantly cut off the circulation and I'd want the medics to be near by. I do think my legs would look the best on the team though, way better than Cooley's.
5. What would it look like if you and Tony Romo got into a fight? I have to say it would look like, I would be the hulk standing 6'5" and Romo would be like Spiderman, jumping around all over the place. I'm really not worried about getting into a fight with Romo. I think Jessica Simpson and the Cowboy fans are enough for him to handle.
5. What would it look like if you and Tony Romo got into a fight? I have to say it would look like, I would be the hulk standing 6'5" and Romo would be like Spiderman, jumping around all over the place. I'm really not worried about getting into a fight with Romo. I think Jessica Simpson and the Cowboy fans are enough for him to handle.
6. Jason, how did you meet your present girlfriend Mercedes Lindsay? First of all she might of stalked me, but on the real tilt I met her downtown DC 5 or 6 times and she wouldn't go out with me because she said I was like any typical athlete. She finally did go out with me and since then we've been inseparable.
7. Your senior year at Auburn I was convinced you were Lionel Richie's son. That being said, what's your favorite Lionel Richie song to karaoke to? Lionel Richie has come up a lot this year and if I could sing and make as much money as him I would defiantly do that. My favorite song would come from a line we hear from Santana Moss on game day, "All night long, All night long!"

8. How much do you hate Alabama and what is it like having Samuels blocking for you? Do you guys get after each other when the Iron Bowl is played? War Eagle. I have nothing bad to say about Alabama anymore, because I was undefeated against them. So there is nothing better than having Chris Samuels blocking my left side. I consider it an Alabama guy showing his support for an Auburn guy. I just expect Auburn to take over every time we play so we really don't have to get after each other.
9. JC, can you get me a date w/Colt Brennen? I guess all the girls think he's from Hawaii, and they want something new. He's really just another LA guy, but I guess we could start off the bidding with 100 dollars a date, payable to Cooley's site. Hahaha, just kidding.
10. What food was better Cooley's wedding or Randy Thomas' back yard BBQ? It's two different occasions and the food at Cooley's wedding was amazing. I'm a southern guy though and Randy cooks baby back ribs. I would take ribs any day.
"Rabach has even farted on my hand which is a feelin that never really wears off."
hahahaha O-linemen are so nasty.
Thats some funny stuff Cooley! Thanks for interviewing Jason and being awesome. I'm glad you picked the the question about rabach, that is something I have wondered about for awhile.
Wow, that will change some peoples opinions of JC as a soft spoken kid.
J.C. is a pretty funny guy. I didn't really get that impression because he seems really calm and softspoken in interviews.
i hope romo tracks this blog post down -- i'm sure i speak for everyone when i say that we'd love to see campbell vs. romo re-ignite the skins-cowboys rivalry with real passion
Amazing. Total gold.
Excellent answers Jason. Who knew you were so witty! LOVE the answer about the butt crack situation. I have never really thought about that before. I have often wondered if touching a man's rear end so many times in 60 minutes felt odd to QBs, but not so much like that. So gald I have some insight now. LOL...good times. You guys are great.
that was great i'm still laughing thanks cooley and campbell i think portis should be next lol. hey cooley with fantasy football kicking off think we could get your top 20 draft picks since we know you play it
Haha I can't believe you picked my sweaty butt crack hand question, awesome.
First time responder... Congrat's on your wedding, slideshow with Journey in the background is sweet! Did you watch the end of the U.S. Open on Monday afternoon? What are your thoughts on Tiger Woods (1) the competitor and (2) playing injured?
Cooley, another great blog session, you know we get so bored over here in this hot ass middle east the only retriet is inside on the computers(got to keep the computers cool) I have actually converted a Giants fan to A Skins fan! My brother in Law who is deployed here with me is from New York, I took him to a game last year and you actually signed his hat, now every game day he sports a Cooley Jersey! JC, I like the interview!
Average old Weapons Guys from half way across the world!! Comin home soon though!!
Jason, thanks for taking the time to answer those questions. Great questions and hilarious answers!!! Can't wait to see you in the Cooley short-shorts so we can have a short-off! I'm happy to hear about your girlfriend, she's lovely!
If the skins showed up on the field in the 75's what would that do to your opponents mindset?
Cc,once again you have pulled off a super blog. This interview with Jc was simply awesome. I hope you get some blog award for this one. Hilarious and entertaining, non-mattering fb stuff from two fb players - just great. Give Soup his ups for responses.
LOVE the new do!!!
Cooley you better give me some credit for that question, we made the Washington Post. They think you came up with it. –KG
Chris, what happened to the hair! I've got my Cooley fro going, waiting for the season.
Great stuff as always Chris! I love Jason since he's now the Redskins QB but ask him if he forgot 2001 when he and Daniel Cobb platooned at QB and lost to Alabama 31-7.
Sweet post! I'm going to look forward to more interviews like this. Jason seems like a very cool person and that's good to know that he has that type of playful personality. Can't wait for the next one. Oh yeah Chris, nice haircut.
Chris, you are my favorite Redskins player, and I think it is outstanding that you have this website that people can see who you really are. You are not only kiss ass on the field (argueably the best tight end in football), you are also down to earth and an all around cool guy. Nice to see an athlete that doesn't let fame go to his head. Oh, btw, your woman is smokin hot... You should definetly convince her to do another maxim spread. Just tell her it will be good for her career or something like that. Some bullcrap like "it will help fill out your portfolio." Who knows, she might buy it. Well, anyway, it was also cool to see that you were a beast DE in high school. That is balls out. If you read this, hit up my layout on myspace... It would be so sweet if you added me to your friends list.
Even tho he didn't answer my question quite as specific as I was hoping, my question is the first one, sweet!
LMAO the lionel Richie comparison made me crack up! I have been a skin fan since the 70's love this blog! U da man!
Just in case you missed it Chris this is what made it to the D.C. Sports Bog on Washingtonpost.com by Dan Steinberg...
Luckily, we still haven't played the Chris Cooley card, and Cooley, clever blogger that he is, has realized that one can write a thrilling blog without necessarily revealing any embarrassing personal details about oneself. How? By instead revealing embarrassing personal details about one's teammates. Brilliant! Here's hoping Smoot takes note.
Today, we have 10 questions with Jason Campbell, and while the famously bland Campbell manages to be incredibly bland for most of those 10 questions, he accidentally lapsed into the world of the quotable on at least one occasion. Here's the Redskins franchise quarterback, discussing what it's like to put his hand in that certain place while awaiting the snap:
For everyone to know if you don't take a bath your [certain place] stinks and I think that's what Rabach does to me. Imagine sweating for 2 hours and you're Casey Rabach and you're really hairy and stinky. Rabach has even farted on my hand which is a feelin that never really wears off. I can actually feel it while we're doing this interview right now. After each practice and game the first thing I do is wash my hands of all that chaotic stuff running off his sweaty, nasty body.
That is, by a factor of 73, the best quote of Jason Campbell's football career, and for that, I say thank you to Chris Cooley. And now I'm going to wash my hands.
This was so great. Getting out and meeting the fans. Again, taking the time out. What true successes you guys are! Kayce
As a center..it is your duty to torment the QB as much as possible. There is no way around this. QB's must understand that even though they are the glory-boys, they still have to make their living by sticking their hand on the underside of "big nasty" 60-80 times a day. It helpd keep their ego from getting TOO big lol.
I think Campbell looks more like Eriq LaSalle than Lionel Ritchie...
Let me say this. The only way Jason big mouth Campbell is leaving Texas Stadium this year is face down. In the mud that is!
Our tank is going to flatten him and Ellis is going to smash him!
How's that Cowboy playoff win going, 9:08?
How are your 3 rings going, our 5 are nice and shiny!!!
Whats next for you promoting the waterboy to GM, what a joke over there, Hahahahahah!
First of all, it figures that a Cowboys fan would be "anonymous." It's cause they're SCARRRED!! Second, I find it funny that a Cowboys fan would be on a Redskin's blog site... Highly suspicious!! LOSER!
"Let me say this. The only way Jason big mouth Campbell is leaving Texas Stadium this year is face down. In the mud that is"
Typical Cowboy fan: doesn't have a clue about football. How the H**L can you have mud in a stadium with artificial turf?
Cowboy Fan Response: "Ooooooo, look the pretty star. Shiny, shiny star!!!"
Jason Campbell is a class act and great AU Quarterback.
Great touch with the ball.
Now, if the 'Skins could just block better...
Jason Campbell is a class act. I enjoyed watching his career progress at Auburn and now with Washington.
Great touch on the ball, good decision making skills.
Now if the 'Skins could only pass protect...
great interview. who's next?
great 20 J.C. tanner keep up the good work.
congrats on the knot tying too. httr
Jason, I know this is an old blog, but I have no idea hoaw to get a message to you. I think you are awesome. I am going to miss you when you leave DC. I believe in you. Keep your head up and keep up the good work.
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