I would also like to clear up a couple things about the burning, a least for anyone who I may have offended. Last year I bought somewhere close to 400 acres of ranch land in Wyoming. A couple days ago we were riding our four wheelers around and came upon this wretched, stinking, rotting horse corpse. We thought it was a cow at first, but upon further review found that it was a horse. The horse had clearly been dead for over a year and needed to be taken care of. We have no idea about the cause of the horses death or how it happened upon our land, none the less, it was there rotting away. After seeking some advice I was given a couple of options, the first was taking the horse to the dead animal pit, another being the city dump and finally, to burn the horse. In my opinion the most reasonable option was to burn the horse.
Finally, I would like to say that I love and respect animals. I own four dogs and two cats, I grew up with horses and think they're amazing. I meant no disrespect to the horse.