Set off 4 days ago to Wyoming from Virginia. Below, in order, is what we managed to capture. I've been posting on SportsBUZZ, and finally made it to a computer so I could post them here. Now off to do some pheasant hunting.
9:20 am: It's the beginning of a 30 hour journey to Wyoming and its going to have to start with a thumbs up. Ryan will be joining me on this trip and he's already bitching.

9:30 am: First stop 711 to fill up on breakfast.

11:23 am: Made it to Pennsylvania

1:01 pm: Lunch time!

2:29 pm: Made it to Ohio

5:42 pm Indiana!

6:56 pm - Up time!

7:02 pm - thinking about just staying in Chicago tonight and hanging with my buddy Ray

Stopped for dinner last night at the Stone Castle Eagle Tavern in Rockford, IL. Best burger ever!

Day 2 2:47 pm - Driving gloves

Passing the Mississippi River...

Day 2 2:54 pm - Minnesota

Day 2 4:12 pm - Oldest working gas pump in America

Day 2 5:06 pm - Girls gone wild South Dakota.

Day 2 7:13 pm
Looks like fun. I grew up in Colorado and remember visiting Wyoming many times.
Hurry back and talk some sense into your fellow NFL "slaves".
Enjoy your trip - do those energy bars really work? Seriously, I want to know!
Hi Chris!
Your BIGGEST almost 10 year old fan is having a birthday at the end of the April - any chance I can talk to you about doing a guest appearance? We live close to Redskins Park and you will make this future NFL hopefuls entire life! We just gave his room a Redskins makeover - painted burgandy and gold with tons of Reskins pictures and things - including a FatHead of you! I am not sure of what your fee might be for such an event, but would love to find out if this is possible! Thanks Lisa
Looking forward to seeing some FISH pictures!
Cooley- You need to focus on catching the ball and winning games this year. Put all this other stuff behind you brother. I am your biggest fan but you need to focus on that superbowl. JT3
Hi Chris, did you get the chance to try the Korean coffee?
Please update your website. I look forward to seeing you play soon. God bless
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