Alex Karras moved from # 7,597(I was surprised he was that high) to #3,203
Chris Cooley moved from #246,368 to #165,712 (surging past Flo, the waitress from Dumb and Dumber)
Tanner Cooley moved from #1,015,929 to #358,918 (surging past Art Monk, who could forget his role in Jerry Maguire, "nice game Rod")
I think we are better than this, so I'm challenging you to go to work on IMDB, searching Alex, Chris, and Tanner and moving them up the Hollywood ladder. Here are the goals I've set for us to reach in the next week (help us baby Jesus, help us Tom Cruise, help us!)
Alex #1899 - 1 spot above Eugene Levy
Chris #29,967 - 1 spot above Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake

Here are the winners from the contest. You can claim your prize by venturing over to my site, bookmark it to your favorites, then email me.
1st place - And winner of a signed 8x10 of Fatpickle is...Randow who came up with the combination of Pat (from It's Pat) and Gridiron.
2nd place - And winner of a signed 8x10 of Vladimir is...Xstatic4beer who not only has an awesome handle, but also gave us Uncle Buck and Big Wig.
3rd place - And the winner of a signed 8x10 of the man currently over 150,000 spots behind Paula Deen on the Starmeter(in his defense she can do things with a green bean that is heaven) is...Tony Corsini who brought us Spicoli and The Helmet Knocker.
Congrats to all, there was some really good ones and it was a difficult choice.
Cheers and Hail
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