Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Funny Danny

If you haven't ever seen a Funny Danny production, you are missing out. He's the guy that sits around in his living room talking shit about "his team" on camera trying to be all funny. Well, I wonder how funny he thinks getting punched in the face is.

Hope you enjoyed. Thanks again to Danny Rouhier for putting this together. Check him out here.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Cooley Zone

In case you haven't heard, I'll be doing two radio shows a week during this season. One with Chad Dukes and LaVar Arrington on Mondays from 5:30-6:30 pm. The other with the Sports Junkies every Friday at 8:00 am. With two shows down, it looks like this is going to be a good year.

In case you are out of the area or miss the show, all of them will be posted here.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Major + Orisue + Cooley's been a while since I have posted a blog or anything on here. I am sorry that I have not been more active. It has been a crazy busy (in a good way) off season. I am stoked about where we are as a team. This is by far the closest group of guys I have ever played with and I know if we all stay healthy that we are going to do some amazing things this year. With that said, its Dallas week. I know that in the years past we have done some crazy shit on the blog for this week. This year, my only focus has been getting better as a player. I think that the work we have all put in this offseason is definitely going to show this Sunday. We need everyone to come out and show that Skins fans can be more exciting on Sunday than the Virginia Tech fans were two nights ago.

I also want to let you know that if you haven't spent you annual Redskins budget already this year, I am going to be hanging out this Friday from 8-10pm at Major DC 1426 Wisconsin Avenue Northwest. Orisue is launching two limited edition t-shirts. One is a mix of Orisue/Redskin and the other is Orisue/Cooooley. Both are bad ass. If you live in the DMV area, you should really come out on Friday night.

Hope to see a ton of you out there. I am going to try and be more active on the blog. I know that this is going to be a huge year for both us as a team and every single Redskin fan.

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