Monday, March 31, 2008

College Highlights

This is a quick film of some college highlights from my senior year at Utah State. I know it's nothing special but we wanted to have clips from each stage of my career.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Now and Then

Every year at Logan high the video crew, led by Scott Harris, puts together a top notch highlight film for the football team. Scott was nice enough to give me the footage from my senior year and from that, we created this short film. Enjoy.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

New dog!

For those of you who don't know, Christy and I sort of have a thing for animals. Last Wednesday we added a new Yorkie to the bunch. His name is Dale Earnhardt and he fits right in with the rest of the gang. With this addition we now have 2 Yorkies (Chip and Dale Earnhardt), a Great Dane (George), and 2 cats (Daisy and Lily). Here are a few shots of them hanging around the house.

Monday, March 17, 2008

SGMA's Health through fitness day 2008

Last week I met with with a few members of Congress to help promote physical activity at SGMS's health through fitness day. With the way things are going in the US, it is so important that we do things now to Prevent problems and illness than can arise from living a sedentary lifstyle. I am not going to elaborate more on this because SGMS's website does a great job explaining why we were there. If you want to read more or help out go to the link above.

Beth Kirkpatrick, with Polar. She was an ambassador for SGMA's fairer shower situation.

Congressman Arcuri from New York.

Beth, Congressman Klein from Florida and Jim Baugh former President of Wilson Sports.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Pro Bowl

I know this is kind of old news, but here are some pictures and thoughts from the Pro Bowl this year.
This was taken at practice on the second day. This was about the time I thought I was getting the flu. I didn't get too sick but enough to lay low for a day or two.

During the week we found out that Jim Zorn had been hired to be our new coach. Well interestingly enough, the touchdown pass I caught was from Matt Hasselbeck. It was nice to have Matt there to talk about our new coach and what to anticipate for next year.

I know that some fans may not like this one because Jason plays for Dallas. All I have to say is that he is a great guy and an awesome tight end. If that's not enough, think back to our last three home games against Dallas. 35 - 7, the last second field goal, and 27 - 6.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

The start of something new!

Hello everyone. We are in the progress of starting a new and innovative type of player/fan interaction. This is the beginning of something great. So stay tuned because this blog will be updated regularly. We are also starting a new website called Check it out and tell us what you think. The more feedback we get the better this can be.

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